If you are searching for a place to keep a good chunk of your funds and earn some interest, you can benefit from money market accounts. Banks in Nebraska offer residents a wide range of money market accounts to choose from. The challenge is finding the right account for you.
A high-interest rate or annual percentage yield (APY) is the main selling point for money markets accounts. A higher rate maximizes the rate of return on every dollar saved. Apart from the interest rate, look out for an account with low monthly and transactional fees.
Another factor to consider is the minimum account requirements. This includes a minimum initial deposit and potentially maintaining a minimum account balance. Most accounts offering a high APY but also have high minimum requirements.
Ease of access, especially if you are saving for an emergency fund, is important. The access goes both ways, including ease of withdrawal and ease of making deposits. Whether itās check-writing capabilities, ATM, online, or mobile access, find an account with the features you need.
To assist you with the process, we reviewed some of Nebraskaās best money market accounts. Use our comprehensive review to find the most suitable match for you today.
Axos offers no monthly fees and no minimum balance requirement but requires $1,000 to open the account which you can take out after opening.
Build your savings with an above-average APY.
Quontic provides a money market account that offers a competitive interest rate, which accrues daily. Also, customers can receive a debit card for the account. Ā
UFB Money Market Account comes with a debit card (you must request it) and allows fee-free access to any ATM within the US.Ā