Best Cat Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions of 2024

Lisa Scott

A pre-existing condition is an illness or injury that occurred before the effective date of the pet insurance policy. While it can be difficult to get cat insurance coverage if your furry friend is already suffering from a health issue, there are specialist pet insurance providers that can help you cover some of the costs. Plus, if your cat has an accident or illness unrelated to the pre-existing condition, it can still be worthwhile taking out a policy to cover you for future veterinary costs. We’ve looked at the top choices for coverage, discounts, reimbursements, and overall quality.

Pre-existing conditions and 6 pets covered for $24/m


Coverage Up To


Reimbursement Rates


Pawp offers pet owners an emergency fund up to but not exceeding $3,000 annually. The platform is different from other traditional pet insurance agencies as it does not require you to provide a medical examination report before enrolling your pet. Whether your pet is healthy or has been diagnosed with a pre-existing condition, you can still enroll it and access the emergency fund when the need arises.

With no deductibles and low monthly premiums as low as $24, the digital platform will protect your furry friend during an incident and save money from large vet expenses. Although the agency does not provide any limitations on age, it is best to insure your pet while still young and be prepared in advance when an emergency occurs.

What we like

  • Monthly premiums as low as $24
  • Allows coverage on 6 pets for $24 a month
  • Allows enrollment of pets with pre-existing conditions
  • 24/7 unlimited access to Pawp’s virtual vet doctors

What we don't

  • Coverage is restricted to healthcare emergencies only
  • Does not offer wellness coverage
  • Emergency funds can be accessed only once per year

No exotic pet left out - every single one is covered


Coverage Up To


Reimbursement Rates


Pet Assure is not like other traditional insurance providers that reimburse you on claims. Instead, the digital platform offers a flat rate discount of 25% on all pet-related medical costs when you visit a participating veterinary doctor. The discount program applies to your vet bills checkout after every visit.

What we like

  • Covers all health conditions (including pre-existing)
  • All animals are eligible for coverage
  • No exclusions on pet age
  • No deductibles
  • Visit participating vets as much as you like
  • Lost pet recovery service

What we don't

  • Not all vets participate in the discount program
  • Does not cover prescription drugs

What is cat insurance for pre-existing conditions?

If your cat suffers from a pre-existing condition, such as an injury or illness, before the end of the waiting period, the majority of pet insurers will reject claims, and veterinary expenses will not be covered.  

Cat insurance for pre-existing conditions is a specialist policy that distinguishes between different types of pre-existing medical conditions. It provides coverage for certain health issues if your cat has fully recovered for a specified period showing no symptoms of the original condition. 

When taking out a pet insurance plan, it’s important to tell your insurer about any previous medical issues or symptoms. Even if you have not taken your cat to the vet for treatment, it could still be regarded as a pre-existing condition and potentially excluded from coverage. 

What is considered a pre-existing medical condition in cats?

A pre-existing medical condition in cats can be any symptom, health problem, or condition that your cat had before the effective date of your pet insurance policy. Cats can be susceptible to a wide range of health conditions which can typically be categorized into two buckets, curable and incurable conditions. 

Curable pre-existing conditions are health issues that do not require ongoing assistance, and your cat can fully recover with or without medical attention. Some pet insurers will provide coverage for curable conditions, assuming your cat has fully recovered with no symptoms for a minimum of one year. Common curable conditions include ear infections, diarrhea, vomiting, bladder infections, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory infections.

On the other hand, if your cat suffers from an incurable pre-existing condition or a chronic illness, the majority of pet insurers will exclude this from their policy. Incurable conditions can include allergies, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, heart disease, kidney disease, and elbow dysplasia. 

When taking out an insurance policy for your cat, it’s important to be aware of bilateral exclusions. This is when a health issue occurs before your policy on one side of the body, and then your cat suffers from the same issue on the other side of the body after a policy is effective. Your pet insurer may exclude coverage from your policy. Common bilateral exclusions include ear infections and hip dysplasia. 

Will cat insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

Many pet insurance providers choose to exclude all pre-existing conditions without exception. However, some providers can provide coverage for curable medical conditions provided a sufficient amount of time has passed with no further symptoms. 

Be mindful to read the policy documentation before taking out a plan, and if in doubt, get in touch with your insurer for clarification. 

Do you need to inform the insurance provider of pre-existing conditions?

You may be required to disclose pre-existing conditions when taking out a policy. Some insurers can require a medical examination to precisely tell you what is and what is not covered under your policy. 

It’s important to disclose any medical conditions upfront, whether or not a vet has treated them. Otherwise, you could risk future claims getting rejected by your insurer. 

Does cat insurance cover emergency care?

While your cat may have a pre-existing condition, any unrelated health issues could still be covered under your policy. 

For instance, if your cat has diarrhea prior to taking out your plan, and then gets into an accident that requires emergency medical attention, you could still receive coverage for veterinary costs up to the limits of your policy. 

Should you get pet insurance if your cat has a pre-existing condition?  

It’s difficult to be in a situation where you may have to choose between your finances and your cat’s health needs. Healthcare costs can quickly spiral out of control without a pet insurance policy in place.

While no pet insurer can give you full coverage of all of your cat’s health issues, it can be worth it to take out pet insurance if your cat develops a health problem unrelated to the pre-existing condition. 

How to choose the best cat insurance for pre-existing conditions

To help you find the best pet insurance plan for your cat, here are a few tips to keep in mind if your cat has pre-existing conditions:

  • Compare multiple providers: As every insurer has a different policy, it’s a good idea to shop around and compare prices to get the best coverage for your cat’s health needs. For some insurers, coverage limits may change as your cat ages and other insurers may increase your policy deductible. 
  • Waiting period: If your cat has an accident or illness during the waiting period, this is likely to be excluded from your coverage. Waiting periods can differ between health conditions. For instance, accidents may have a waiting period of three days, while dental illnesses can have waiting periods of six months. It’s best to look for policies that have a shorter waiting period. 
  • Buy insurance for your cat earlier rather than later: You can help minimize the costs of health issues if you purchase pet insurance for your cat while they are young. Any new conditions, including chronic illnesses, can be covered according to the terms of your policy.Â